This morning, and the morning before that and the one before that again – actually for about fortnight now, it has been freezing cold here in Oslo. Eastern Norway is a lot colder that the nothern part. About a differance of 25 to 40 degrees celsius (80 Fahenheit).
This morning, when I am writing this, there is a temperature difference between inside the house and outside of 40 C ( ca 72F).
So, what do we wear then, when we leave the house? From early childhood I learned that one should wear wool close to skin, so that`s what I do. Thin nice wool shirt pluss pantyhose, and layers of knitwear, thin ones, so that you easily can remove pieces when you go inside and get warmer.
And a scarf, thick wool sweater, snowjogs, mittens and a down jacket.
One the other side, it is so beautiful. Everything is pure and white and clean. I`ll put some photos in here for you to see.
The cold will last for a while, a few more days I guess. And then we`ll see.